Wine Glass Angels
by Austin Corbin
Her finger runs along the rim
The hum rolls of the glass
Into the air it goes
The cigarette in her mouth
It slowly goes out
The fire around her does not
She remembers what she did
The fire feels like an old friend
A flame licks the cigarette
Relighting the rolled blend
The calm energy
The longing
The peaceful turmoil
Dying with so much life
After living with so much death
The house she set a blaze
It was not her own
It was the house in which she grew up
Her father’s
It was him she wished to burn
The imposing burden
Her worst enemy
The painful smile
So genuine
So fake
He loved her, he would say
Why doesn’t she feel it
Why is she here, right now
Supposed to lead her to live well
Tried too hard and now she’s lost
She knew, she knew
How to help
How to live
How to thrive
Brought down just to survive
She remembered, she wept.