Meant To Be?

by Ellie Talich

An unknown time when everyday life fades, 

a feeling that sinks deep and is impossible to push away,

the possibility of death or a future with no kids.

Was this experience meant to be?

Getting admitted seemed like a breeze,

paperwork similar to any other checkup. 

I was ready for an easy day.

With the expectation of returning home with medication and advice to rest, 

I was not prepared for what was to come next. 

I hadn’t felt right for over a week.

Another roller coaster after waiting in hot lines.

My family swam at the pool. 

I will rest in the room.

I was trying not to ruin our trip,

It was Genna’s first time at the most magical place on earth.

Drawing some blood, taking an ultrasound,

waiting was all I could do. 

Still not sure, the Doctor gave about four possibilities.

I looked at my mom, “You think I have a tumor?”

She usually gives me confidence, but I could see she was scared, too.

We are going to get the surgeon here.

The doctors needed to get in there to see for sure.

The surgeon called the OB to help with the surgery.

An encapsulated appendix had been ruptured for weeks

The doctors finished and sewed me up.

Medicine is miraculous.

This incident was not my time.


The Valley


Burning Bridges