Ode to Windy Nights
By Hannah Bertalot
Oh windy nights! Wicked beauty that you are!
Ward off the threat of silence,
call out with all your grandeur!
Vy for our attention, and let all know you’re a star!
Lash out without intention, show us nature’s violence!
Dear late-evening lady; let us know she’s not demure!
Oh windy nights! Do tell me of your rage!
Let the streetlight in the window flicker;
Cast me in the shadows of your claws!
Strike the skylight, use the entire house as your stage!
Withhold your tender words, tell me with who you bicker!
Berate me with all the world and its flaws!
Oh windy nights! Ensnare me with your dance!
The way you manipulate the sky so clever,
The way the skirt of your dress flares over the land;
Every motion you make casts me into a trance!
Let your music be heard forever,
Invite spectators to join you with the wave of your hand!
Oh windy nights! Lull me sound to sleep!
Let your voice ring out in the sound of rattling leaves!
Sing a lullaby for the creatures of the day,
And give rise to the beasts who creep.
Lower your inky veil for those using your time to grieve,
Or open up your arms and hide secrets away.